Which accounts normally have debit balances?

This is a non-operating or “other” item resulting from the sale of an asset (other than inventory) for more than the amount shown in the company’s accounting records. The gain is the difference between the proceeds from the sale and the carrying amount shown on the...

Hanging Man Candlestick Pattern Explained

Therefore, you can use it by placing a buy-stop trade above the upper shadow and a stop-loss below the lower shadow. This reversal pattern is characterized by having a long upper shadow and a small body. The most reliable is the classic hanging man with a small real...

В основном все цены по которым клиенты приобретают товары ниже рыночных. Если найдете цены ниже, чем нашем интернет магазине, пишите сюда, с указанием ссылки на товар где он дешевле, чем у нас. Дорогой клиент, рады приветствовать Вас в нашем интернет магазине...